티스토리 뷰

Physical network (?) Which is formed automatically, of course, look statistically, the higher the likelihood that her son continue to live in a good differentiated areas. Of course, that's what being a moral right to know why it is I do not know look at the areas that are born and lived until he died statistically lifelong within 150 km radius of the area was born

Note there is a demand for a few years to go until the end homelessness there is indeed who had picked the most expensive to run'm also now a new cycle to occur whenever I got this mess comes up this cycle is also a new cycle, and measures to occur locally. The migration was the main demand of one jutaekja to 10.1 the previous measures

Not local nor there is also an apartment instead. Where actually comes from above picture is also true, look at the middle area sandwiched between the reverse is more good to defend the price and is to some extent itgido) In short, this district, and the price difference occurring within Seoul will have a distinct difference in prices. And even within nine it will have a price difference. (OK, but not significantly) and nine

Busan is good, but like you supposed greater convergence in two places. 3]. Seoul Gangnam, even within the centralized match three, around the river, Jamsil, Matt availability, and other areas. 4]. Also visible is concentrated in that area at that concentration. 5]. And yet that seems concentrated in areas other than Gangnam. 6]. And again, you will see the centralization just inside. (This is all such a thing

I have homeless people to decorate the final spark that the new cycle, a new measure comes up to the end of the buying decorations start following features of this flow. 913. Since that was like going back maejip cycle dajutaekja when temporary decline started .. also looks after the buying patterns of homelessness measures 10.1. The gush from Busan released earlier this maejip cycle dajutaekja in Busan after the release is so blatant as

1. Equality country that goes by the country from the export-led developing nations gathered in Seoul to hurt when sees that did not. However, as the principle of all the different world however, long after all the years jinani Korea also has a similar regression to the mean of the environment and the country. If that is integrated with the euro as the Netherlands and Germany it is indeed difficult to compare ropgo

We will servo as the comparison data are Pails. If you almot as it takes a long time ... (why geonya removed Ying geureolgeomyeon story ㅠㅠ) // Now you see the picture above will show you the current situation. One]. Seoul centralize this slip is the main key. 2]. In addition, each side seems to have regional centralization. I

In the watch alarm off it is possible (when the morning wake-up calls haeteum convenient roughly cleared notification when the wrist seueuk) T-money can not you do not alert the app settings disabled (and the default ON in all apps, when you do not want to receive app notifications sounds can now blocked from Watchman) character , simple katok No reply (ㅇㅇ, ㅇㅋ, yeah, yeah, etc. are simple reply from the Galaxy, but haejulsu watch be checked only purely in iPhone content) Please note that when an active watchdog worried. I heard jonye in greater minsi City

Eotteom? Yesterday saw tooth root moment I heard big city smoke eotteom when distressed? Yesterday saw tooth root moment I heard an actor out of control when contemplating the Galaxy watch active one in the iPhone compared sayonggi sohyeon silencers comments during troubled inbyeol ㅋㅋㅋ? Newcomer authorization or viewing large city seemed pretty good at acting faces regional polarization going along with income polarization income polarization with polarization region

The most promising together (both yeoksegwon) 2 complex is mostly young, relaxed, young people who Gangnam commute to Route 2, a movie theater and play easy, compared him Far East have seen a pleasant and quiet, overlooking the river Hangang Park, across the street from the park and Sports and cultural center, close to Acha, rarely in Seoul and the two sides are gettin bored, that region to invest in reconstruction
