티스토리 뷰

Exterior'll never be the horse. This is why the prosecution to give a blind eye itself cleanse the andoeneungeo Im ... if one person knowing bwajun who gave top line wrapped around the eye. In addition to hangmyeong nangamhal ahraetseon .. The top line payments need to take care of it. What takes'll write dokbak alone. The world would I want from a complete secret ... Where's somewhat normal, but do not step might seem dips at least moderate gonna career out like that extort money should be inde sabeopgye groups to hush the whole thoroughly piled in tents look at all files ildeut than expected. However, a lawyer who compendium of tax audits. History ordination. that the court properly to dig out

Put into the hands whilst the deukui sloppy look. He'll syeotdeon ah know you have to die and end this cruel game. Malgatge If the minutes of the historic embellish empty heart is still sad to think of the car up to the chest. The prosecution is not to define or public interest. Our democracy is not, take the stake or not, is not damaged or someone else's life. A stupid move for their booty. Yun sweet bean sauce is a test for some days by the prosecution of the Duke commented Won Sei-hoon

Itjiyo. Yunjungcheon also show ourselves to be aneuni seem met only one or two tests, "seems never met Yun-General", "seems never seen," it said (whether true) to say. --- Try that one, because apart from the Yun-General is yunjungcheon gimhakui or not it bad to climb the furniture to make a 'prosecution reform' seems to be touched Dooley times. ----- conclusion of the Warrior A / S above article is just ...

I'd seen a lot of fonts. So "we are not an institution establish justice. I ditched to escape to, do not require a definition. " This side is much better than the over-false consciousness erects justice. Pechin in, do you think when the heart is feeling spree spree falling into the ground? I say a word, right in the past, right action

Kim Hyung Joon Director of Inspection crime Not going to examine suicide. Now PD Notebook Kim Hyung Joon test naohneyo Castle hosted Kim Hyung Joon scan scans reinstatement (disciplinary invalid proceedings of first instance in favor) PD handbook 's section is of a Kim Hyung Joon test transcript that Kim Hyung Joon test his friend and sponsored stories in magazine hangeo corruption activities ㅎㄷㄷ ㄷㄷㄷ ㄷㄷㄷ P, D Handbook broadcasting ban disposable suits Kim Hyung Joon inspection St. hospitality revisited 'PD notebook', 'peudyu operation' rather than ratings

A few days ago, it was 27.9 days. "Sponsors inspection" Kim Hyung Joon former chief inspection, cancellation proceedings dismissed in favor "(Â rough Gross York) M headquarters bonbang shooter Kim Hyung Joon Director, starting test ~~ ingwonsang minutes until you have won ... neyinyeon silgeom up such a thing .... That's watgilrae looked belong Seoul gogeom ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ That's the real motherfuckers tteokgeom garbage and hopeless.. 10 000 9980000 won recognized by the courts

Great ... even if the forged official documents anbatah penalties eat punish punishment rape anbatah struck accepted bribes anbatah replaced geomsae I have committed a sin, what punishment? Events sponsor sponsor Kim Hyung Joon Love Call after popping gum 18, and he calls his lawyer 19 times, do not ever say about sponsoring events but call 174 times a year ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ really drunk, but drunk driving is I anhaetda. Rhyu Si-min Hong Jun-pyo PD than two minutes Discussion

Inspection and financial conglomerate, Kim Hyung Joon Kim Hyung Joon test checks St. hospitality revisited 'PD Notebook', 'peudyu operation' rather than checking ratings rising star Kim Hyung Joon hospitality revisited 'PD Notebook' ratings than 'peudyu operations "... 12 minutes ago | News Today "sponsored tests, '' peudyu operation, 5.3% higher than the 5.1% recorded [News Today = salt boyeon reporter] MBC 'PD Notebook' pahechimyeo irregularities in the checks made Kim Hyung Joon refocus the prosecution of clandestine connections. In the interest of viewers than last SOLiD it said 'peudyu manipulation broadcast

Fair or not to fight each other, you holding a weapon, because it's hunting. The media chaser role. Hunting is not the end of the dinner. Yet cut the soft antlers of a deer drinking my blood turns nokhyeol, gotta take out the bear bile split fold bear the heart is beating. President Roh Moo-hyun is looking out for me outside my window that were summoned to the Prosecutor you think of utdeon hongmanpyo, Lee, In - Kyu. The prey

Sacrifice everything to one and think about the people that went that way. Compared with that time it is now long dark but the moon and youngrong was not even like the Milky Way every single candle is getting stuck. And I think democracy is like a bicycle, fall, if we rolled on the pedal. Here it is the most cool sweet bean sauce
